The Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust
Investing in Research, Education and Heritage Conservation
Established in 2017 by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, the Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust (SSLT) advances education through the appreciation and study of the life and times of the Wriothesley, Earls of Southampton (1505-1667), with added reference to the advancement of Shakespearean knowledge as it relates to Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, William Shakespeare’s sole dedicatee.
Explore the Living Record of their Memory!
SSLT is registered with the UK Charity Commission #1184734. The objects of the Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust (SSLT), as defined by the Governing Trust Deed, are:
(1) To advance education, through the appreciation and study of the life and times of the Wriothesley, Earls of Southampton (1505-1667), including their collateral descent, with added reference to the advancement of Shakespearean knowledge as it relates to Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton (1573-1624), William Shakespeare’s sole dedicatee; including but not exclusively by:
- establishing and maintaining, an online repository of books, manuscripts, records of historic interest, pictures, photographs, and objects of antiquity
- sponsoring, hosting, and contributing to conferences, lectures and commemoration events bringing together individual researchers and members of the public worldwide
- promoting, producing and supporting information media such as the internet, radio, television, libraries, university presses, seminars, conferences, lectures and exhibitions
- developing, supporting, and making research scholarships, maintenance allowances, and grants
(2) For the public benefit, the preservation, restoration, repair, maintenance, improvement and beautification of the historic grade 1 listed building known as St Peter’s Parish Church Titchfield, Hampshire particularly but not exclusively the chapel, monuments, and subterranean sepulchre of the Wriothesley, Earls of Southampton.
The heritage preservation and education purposes (‘Objects’) of the Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust (SSLT) are exclusively charitable and operate for the public benefit worldwide from Palace House, Beaulieu, Hampshire, United Kingdom, according to the law of England and Wales.
As an independent charity, SSLT relies on supporters worldwide, and its Patron Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, to generate funds to continue to research, maintain, preserve and share the Wriothesley Earls of Southampton Shakespeare Legacy for the benefit of future generations.
At the heart of the Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust is a commitment to support and share, for the public benefit worldwide, research into and preservation of historic buildings, portraits, monuments, artefacts, and manuscripts related to the life and times of the Wriothesley Earls of Southampton (1505-1667), including their collateral descent, and the advancement of Shakespearean knowledge as it relates to the 3rd Earl of Southampton, William Shakespeare’s sole dedicatee.
The Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust is enabled through the generous support and cooperation from friends & institutions to whom our gratitude is publicly and gratefully given. Thank You!
The Shakespeare Southampton Legacy Trust does not imply or assert any copyright over documents or
Here is a preview of some of the tier one archives with Wriothesley/Southampton research assets: (licensing and permissions pending)
Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford
Buccleuch Archives of Boughton , Bowhill, and Drumlanrig
Northamptonshire Records Office
Nottingham University Special Collections
Nottinghamshire Records Office
Portland Collection/Archives, Welbeck
Portsmouth Museum/Portsmouth City Council
One good turn deserves another!
Henry Wriothesley was Shakespeare's sole dedicatee and purported patron, making possible some of the greatest plays and poems ever penned. Join Lord Montagu in paying it forward in service to the living record of his memory.
Our Heritage Preservation Partners & Contributing Archives
We are in good company.